Gender Studies

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Educational backround

Wintersemester 14/15: Visiting Professor at the University of Kassel

since 06/14: Academic Councillor

since 03/09: Research Assistant at the Chair of Prof. Villa, LMU Munich, Institute of Sociology

SoSe 2012: Professor Scholarship at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz

08/07-01/09: Lecturer in German as a Foreign Language

07/07: Doctorate, title of dissertation: "Gefährliche Körper an gefährlichen Orten. Eine Studie zu Körper, Raum und Marginalisierung" (Dangerous bodies in dangerous places. A study on body, space and marginalisation)

2002 -2006: Academic Employee at the University of Hamburg, Department of Human Movement Sciences

1993-2001: Studies of Sociology at the University of Hamburg and the University of Sussex (Brighton, GB), minor subjects: Political Science, Psychology and Literature, degree Diplom and M. A.